Cars for Sale in Yonkers, New York
"The City of Gracious Living" may often be overshadowed by its more popular neighbors, but it is nothing to be scoffed at. Yonkers, New York is the fourth most populous city in the state, and it borders the Bronx just two miles north of Manhattan. It is an inner suburb of New York City and is sometimes playfully referred to as New York's Sixth Borough. Yonkers was incorporated as a city in 1872 and was considered for inclusion in the general New York City area in 1894, but received a less positive reception from its inhabitants than did the other boroughs like Brooklyn and Manhattan.The climate in Yonkers varies pretty wildly, fluctuating from average lows in the winter of 27 degrees to average highs in the summer of 84 degrees.
Though Yonkers saw consistently rapid growth throughout much of the 1800s and early 1900s, its population has flatlined and even started to decrease in recent years. The 2010 census estimates Yonkers' population to be 195,976 people, down from 204,297 in 1970.
Yonkers has been featured numerous times in popular culture. Some of these references include The Twilight Zone, Law and Order: Special Victims Unit, and Hello Dolly. In addition to these references, Yonkers was the location for shooting several famous movies, such as Catch Me If You Can.
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