Cars for Sale in Colorado Springs, Colorado

Nikolas Tesla will be the first to tell you about the wonders of Colorado's 2nd largest city. In 1899, Tesla moved to Colorado Springs to conduct his electricity experiments in one of the most active lightning strike cities in the country. In spite of this interesting phenomenon, however, Colorado Springs still averages 300+ days of sunshine each year. Situated between the Southern Rocky Mountains and the Palmer Divide, Colorado Springs sits at an elevation of more than a mile above ground. This elevation leads to relatively cold temperatures throughout the year, with highs between 80 and 85 degrees during the summer and lows of 17 degrees during December and January.

The area in which Colorado Springs exists was first occupied by the Ute, Arapaho, and Cheyenne people in the 1700s. It was acquired by the United States in the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, and was officially incorporated into a city in 1871. Throughout the mid-1900s, the U.S. military established a more prominent presence in the city, beginning with the Air Force leasing "Peterson Field" during World War II in 1942. NORAD was headquartered at Colorado Springs during the Cold War, and the Ent Air Force Base became an Olympic Training Facility in 1977.

To this day, the defense industry continues to play a large role in the economy of Colorado Springs. The four largest employers in the city are all military-related companies, including the United States Air Force Academy. In addition to these, the high-tech sector continues to play a large role in the city's economy, though that role has diminished over the last decade or two. The third largest source of employment is tourism. Due to its prime location at the base of the Rocky Mountains, Colorado Springs is a popular tourist destination, with activities relating to tourism accounting for more than one billion dollars in revenue. The Garden of the Gods, a National Natural Landmark, is one of the most popular areas in Colorado Springs. It features 300-foot tall sandstone rock formations and a series of various annual events throughout the year.

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